For the company firebg

 Пожарогасители | Сервиз за пожарогасители | Ремонт, проверка, поддръжка и обслужване на пожарогасители от Пожарна Техника ООД | пожарни касети | ПОЖАРНА ТЕХНИКА ООД. Пожарогасители сервиз за пожарогасители от Пожарна Техника Ремонт, поддръжка, проверка и обслужване на пожарогасители от лидерите в бранша.

The company "FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT" Ltd. was established in 1991.

The company "FIRE EQUIPMENT" Ltd. is a member of the National Branch Association "Fire and Emergency Safety".

The company "FIRE EQUIPMENT" Ltd. specializes in the field of fire and emergency safety, working in the following areas:

Production and maintenance of fire extinguishers , fire fighting devices and equipment.

Servicing of portable and transportable fire extinguishers.

Subscription service for fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations.

Design, construction, and maintenance of conventional and addressable fire alarm systems 

Design, construction, and servicing of Sprinkler Systems

Design, construction, and service of Fire Extinguishing Systems with carbon dioxide /CO2/ .

Design, construction, and service of Gas Extinguishing Systems - PROINERT®,   ECARO-25®, FM-200®, Fireraser®, Novec™ 1230, NAF s 125, Argonite, IG55.

Design, construction, and service of OxyReduct® Fire Prevention Systems, protecting the premises by reducing oxygen

Design, construction, and service of smoke hatches for roof and facade installation;

Offering technical and economic solutions to ensure the security and fire safety of the sites;

Fire protection of metal and wooden structures;

Flame retardant protection of textile materials.

Fire prevention inspection of objects on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Organization of fire safety at newly built sites and at sites in operation. Provision of 24-hour duty.

Consultations on fire safety in the design and construction of objects.

The company "POZHARNA TEHNIKA" Ltd.  has its own modern production and warehouse bases in Sofia and Provadia with areas of 2000m2 and 24000m2. The equipment of the production and warehouse bases is as follows:

Latest generation automatic fire extinguisher cylinder production line

Automatic painting chamber for painting fire extinguisher cylinders

Automatic line for quick loading of powder fire extinguishers with a capacity of 2400 pcs/day.

Machines for the production of fire cabinets and cassettes

Automatic assembly line for the production of BC and ABC fire extinguishing powder with a capacity of 24 tons/day. 

"Conventional pallet racking", production by MEGALUX - Spain.


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