Information about urns
The possibilities for processing and storing ashes are increasing and there are more and more designs in Urnen and ashes jewelry. Here we provide you with as much information as possible about urns and we answer frequently asked questions about urns, ashes destinations, ashes jewelry, and the processing of ashes. Here you will also find more information about how we can help you fill an urn or ashes.
You can easily find the information you want via the topics below. If you would like more information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you find and choose a personal and appropriate way to remember your loved one.
All about urns, ash destinations, and ashes processing
Ash destination: Design your own urn
Information about prices of urns
Where can you have an urn filled?
The possibilities of ash processing
Ash destination: Urns for your home
Ash destination: Urns for your garden
Ash destination: Urn monument
Ash destination: Urn wall
Tips for buying an urn
Ash destinations
To help you as much as possible with your choice, our showrooms are equipped with all kinds of examples and applications of personal ideas.
Because there is as much as possible, we have presented everything clearly for you so that you can look around without any obligation and be undisturbed. If you have any questions, you can ask them directly to our advisors.
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